Covid Stats for 07/20/20

Well, if you believe the numbers, it’s appears to be getting better. But it may be more reporting fatigue this week, I’m afraid. Of over 22,200 counties across the US, 1132 reported zero cases and deaths yesterday, which is great if true, but likely a reporting issue. 32 of 57 California counties were in this list. While I believe it is getting better with fewer cases here, the lack of complete data is troubling. Having said all that, 7 more US States dropped below 2% day over day growth yesterday, which is a positive step. Let’s see if it can be sustained.

US State Case Growth from yesterday

US State Death Growth from yesterday

US Trends Summary

US State Daily Case Growth (from yesterday) Table

Various States Comparison

California Summary

Various California Counties


Covid Stats for 07/23/20


Covid Stats for 07/19/20