Covid Stats for 07/14/20

I created some maps of the US today to present the hot spots visually. Alabama popped up on the radar for the first time, and has been reporting increasing case numbers for about a week. And the Virgin Islands continues to show a high percentage growth, even though they have a small population, as mentioned yesterday.

Unfortunately, California had another setback and the governor has pulled back on the re-openings. I think they need to figure out the right ‘cocktail’ of openings. Is it gyms, but not bars? It appears that we need to allow activities that keep us physically distant. Maybe it’s a staggered approach…hair salons on 1st and 3rd weeks of the month. It can’t be everything all at once, like it appeared to be. The data is out there, who is looking at it and reading the tea leaves?

US State Case Growth from yesterday

US State Death Growth from yesterday

US County Hotspots

US Trends Summary

US State Daily Case Growth (from yesterday) Table

Various States Comparison

California Summary

Various California Counties


Covid Stats for 07/15/20


Covid Stats for 07/13/20