Covid Stats for 07/04/20

Happy 4th of July everyone! Hotspots are all in the same places, Florida, Arizona, South Carolina, Texas, George, although Nevada has slowly been creeping up the list of states with high day over day case growth. Largest number of new cases were in Florida with over 9,400.

What is truly amazing is that New England+ has almost stopped the growth across the region: the 5 states with the least day over day growth are Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. And New Hampshire is right there also. Great job for this region!

With some inconsistencies in the daily reporting, Iā€™m starting to look at 3-day and 7-day averages. For example, 34 of 58 California counties reported new cases yesterday, and we know that is very unlikely.

Have a safe and fun holiday!

US Summary

US State Daily Case Growth (from yesterday) Table

Various States Comparison

California Summary

Various California Counties


Covid Stats for 07/05/20


Covid Stats for 07/03/20